添加 删除 LiAsia Tillman, 2020
LiAsia Tillman jump-started a journey to revolutionize how businesses handle administrative tasks by establishing Precisions by Patch.
Driven by an aspiration to alleviate the burden of mundane yet essential tasks for fellow entrepreneurs, Tillman set out to offer a unique service tailored to the needs of small businesses.
Her vision was simple yet profound: to serve as the virtual equivalent of “Google” for enterprises, efficiently tackling tasks ranging from data entry to setting up QuickBooks with precision and meticulousness.
I started my business because I wanted to help those who already had businesses and didn’t want to do simple tasks. 通过简单的任务, 我指的是数据输入, 按特定顺序归档, 制作电子表格, 文档, 发票, 甚至建立了QuickBooks. 如果有人要求提供特定的文件或文件, 我可以用最少的线索找出他们到底需要什么. 我觉得自己像“谷歌”. 我们告诉谷歌我们正在寻找什么,因为它拉出所有需要的选项. That is what I offer other businesses that do not necessarily need a secretary; they just need someone to get them started or fix a few things that may have gotten out of hand.是什么让你的企业在市场中脱颖而出?
我和其他公司的区别在于我所花的时间. 因为我们生活在一个一切都快节奏的世界, I take my time and look at the details to ensure I complete the job without missing anything. 如果我要建立一个有公式的电子表格, I make sure those formulas work and are locked in so no one can make a mistake and mess up the spreadsheet.你在这条路上遇到了哪些挑战?你是如何克服它们的?
我面临的唯一挑战是建立我的客户. People don’t understand precisely what I do, and they do not understand how I can help them.你有什么建议可以和考虑走类似道路的学生分享吗?
我会告诉他们永远不要放弃你的梦想. 即使看起来很困难,也要记住你追随自己的激情是有原因的. 你可能会领先,但这会给你更多的时间来完善你的工作. -
添加 删除 布列塔尼·亨德森2012 & 2016
In the wake of a personal tragedy and a scarcity of quality childcare options in her community, 布列塔尼·亨德森踏上了改变人生的道路.
被满足必要需求的欲望驱使,用她的经验武装起来, 教育, 对儿童保育的关注, she boldly decided to transition from a ten-year teaching career to a stay-at-home mom.
在这段反思的时间里, 小小宝藏托儿所的种子就这样播下了, leading Henderson to jump-start a journey to create a childcare center that would meet and exceed families’ expectations in her area.
“The inspiration behind starting my business came in January of 2020 when my children’s daycare closed due to the death of their director/owner. 我在附近找了一家优质的托儿中心,但没有找到. 2020年2月, I walked away from my 10-year public teaching career to stay at home with my two children. 作为一个全职妈妈, I had some extra time to ponder some things and realized the only way to fix our daycare shortage in the area was to open one myself. I had the 教育, the experience, and the drive to give our community what it desperately needed”.是什么让你的企业在市场中脱颖而出?
“我有一个全新的设施,配备了最先进的安全设备, experienced caregivers who have the same common goal as myself and that is to provide quality childcare, and I am also the highest licensed provider for children under 30 months of age in our area”.你在这条路上遇到了哪些挑战?你是如何克服它们的?
“一路走来,我遇到了很多挑战. It was very hard to get anyone in our community to have enough faith to give us such a substantial amount of money to build the facility. 我是一个没有收入的全职妈妈,我丈夫是一个企业主. We knew it would work out if someone would just give us the opportunity to show them. 我们非常感谢互助储蓄银行看到了别人没有看到的东西. 当我们终于拿到贷款时,另一个重大挑战出现了, COVID hit and shut everything down so the progress we finally made was being pushed back. 老实说,这都是上帝的恩典,我们克服了这些挑战. 我必须不断告诉自己,这是他的时机,不是我的. 这是绝对正确的!”你有什么建议可以和考虑走类似道路的学生分享吗?
“Some advice I would like to offer is that no matter how many people doubt you or tell you no, 如果这是你真正热爱的事情,你就不能放弃. The rewards are much bigger than the challenges when you get the opportunity to make a difference in children’s lives daily!” -
添加 删除 斯科特·菲尔普斯,1998年
Scott Phelps founded Under the Lights Driver Training by leveraging his passion for 教育 as a full-time teacher. 他的主要动机是将他作为教育者的角色扩展到课堂之外, 旨在为年轻司机提供基本技能,同时补充他的收入.
Scott’s business uniquely integrates his 教育al expertise with practical driver training by offering a focused and personalized learning environment.
“我是一名全职教师,喜欢帮助学生. I started a driver training business in order to continue to help students and supplement my income”.是什么让你的企业在市场中脱颖而出?
“因为我是全职教师, 我每个月只能服务一小部分客户, 所以我的课是小班化的,个性化的.”你在这条路上遇到了哪些挑战?你是如何克服它们的?
“成本上升, 特别是汽油和保险, 一直是一个挑战,因为我试图平衡我转嫁给客户的成本. 我正设法把价格保持在尽可能低的水平.”你有什么建议可以和考虑走类似道路的学生分享吗?
“拥有自己的企业可能具有挑战性,但也非常有益. 选择一个客户“需要”的业务是很重要的. 一项“想要”的业务可能具有挑战性, especially in the inflated economy with so many people and families struggling to pay bills”.如欲了解更多有关驾驶训练,请浏览网页 http://driveunderthelights.weebly.com.
添加 删除 达里安·洛夫,2017年
Darrian爱, 卡罗来纳大学学院的创始人, 旨在迎合学习者不同的教育需要. From the academy’s foundation as a support system for ESL learners to its expansion into Academic Success Programming and Educational Coaching, Collegiate Academy of Carolina is a testament to Love’s vision of providing thorough academic support.
在这个问答系列中, 爱反映了他的事业背后的灵感, 其独特的产品, 一路上遇到的挑战, 以及对有抱负的企业家的宝贵建议.
My inspiration came from supporting all learners in their academic journey to success, 无论他们的语言或学术学校课程, 而不是提供一个接受额外干预或充实的地方.是什么让你的企业在市场中脱颖而出?
我们提供一个独特的辅导计划,不像你的典型的导师. 其中一个我们称之为导师,学业成功技术人员. 我们的目标是支持学习者在任何学科上取得成功. We utilize a diagnostic tool to gather a baseline of the learners’ performance and then provide a unique individualized academic program for several weeks to measure academic growth.你在这条路上遇到了哪些挑战?你是如何克服它们的?
Most challenges I have encountered have been inhuman resources and accounting sectors. 我没有工资单、账单或入职承包商方面的背景. However, I had to reSearch it and find the best platforms that worked for me and my business. 在找到我的解决方案后,我将Square用于我的发票系统和工资单. 我利用Indeed来寻找潜在的承包商加入我的团队. I still have challenges that may arise from time to time that I just don’t know the answer to, 但答案来自我给别人的建议。”.你有什么建议可以和考虑走类似道路的学生分享吗?
我鼓励正在考虑走类似道路的学生坚持下去. 你可以从经营企业中学到很多技能. 我从网络小组中学到了很多. You can meet other professionals with whom you are unfamiliar and have a conversation over coffee or a Zoom meeting to trade best practices. 因此, my biggest advice is never to give up and network because other business owners were once a blank canvas, 他们的热情随着时间的推移而发展.Darrian爱’s entrepreneurial journey exemplifies the life-changing power of passion, 毅力, 以及商业上的适应性. 通过卡罗来纳大学学院, Love 添加resses 教育al gaps and fosters a community dedicated to academic success and personal growth.
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